Making a bad hire can cost you big bucks! — Advantage Consulting and Recruiting Specialists

Making a bad hire can cost you big bucks!

Recruiting “A” Players is a challenge to say the least. It’s been said that hiring mistakes cost an organization 6 to 15 times that employee’s annual salary. You may look at this stat and think –“that seems like a crazy number”. Think about it though – look at the cost to rehab your organization to repair any damage that’s been done, opportunities that were missed, your competition getting the edge, deadlines being missed, costly mistakes being made, your sanity – this stuff is no joke and it adds up fast!

Salaries consume 60-80% of your operating costs and are often the most expensive line item in your business – treat it that way! The company that recruits the best talent wins. Don’t leave the most critical task in your business to chance – hire a professional with the expertise in recruiting that you don’t have and then follow the rule of 3.

For your key positions - Interview at least 3 people for the position and have them interview at 3 different times of day, 3 different places with 3 different people. You’d be amazed at what you learn following this simple formula. Putting the time in up front, saves you so much on the other side – 6 to 15 times their annual salary as a matter of fact.