Remote work after COVID-19 - What now? — Advantage Consulting and Recruiting Specialists

Remote work after COVID-19 - What now?

The question on the mind of employers and employees alike is – What now?

The COVID-19-related restrictions are being lifted across the country, and businesses are reopening to their full capacity. But, after more than a year of employees working from home, work policies are being reassessed and, if it’s been successful, why go back to the old way?

 There are, of course, positions like production and retail that can not accommodate a work-from-home model. However, a remote or hybrid work model is logical for some roles; you don’t need to pay for the office space you had when everyone was working in person. In addition, employees love having no commute and the overall flexibility in their personal and professional schedules.

 The flexibility for remote work has become one of the most common draws when considering a career change and a deciding factor when comparing multiple offers.

 So, what now?

 How will you address remote work policies to attract and retain top talent? If you don’t know yet, you need to decide soon, the job market is competitive, and this option is more relevant than ever before.

Want help in reviewing and revising your current policy? I’d love to help!