How Often Do You Need To Update A LinkedIn Profile? — Advantage Consulting and Recruiting Specialists

How Often Are You Updating Your LinkedIn Profile?

Your LinkedIn profile remains a valuable part of your online professional presence. It’s a must when looking for a new job, and recruiters use the site to potentially find talented passive and active candidates.

However, a simple question remains: How often do you need to update a LinkedIn profile?

LinkedIn Profile Update

If you are on LinkedIn to be found, you need to update your profile every week.  Out-of-date profiles don’t rank well.  They want their search results to be relevant, current and match what the person is searching for.

Update Your Profile On A Regular Basis

People use LinkedIn as a search engine, not just a place to look for jobs and build their professional network.  If you have not touched your profile and have not been active in more than 90 days, the LinkedIn search algorithm will put your profile as not current or relevant as profiles updated within the last few weeks.

When actively looking for work, your resume isn’t your only tool for landing a job.  It can be a  comprehensive supplement to your traditional resume.

Update You Accomplishments

Add your accomplishments as they occur, this will ensure that you can capture the critical details while they are fresh.  This approach makes sure your information is accurate.

Update Before A Job Search

LinkedIn is an invaluable platform in 2022.  In short, whenever you refresh your paper resume, update your LinkedIn profile.

If you’d like to learn more or are planning a job search, the staff at Advantage Consulting can help.