Freshen Up Your Resume — Advantage Consulting and Recruiting Specialists

Freshen Up Your Resume

You once wrote an amazing resume. No wonder you’ve been sending the same one out for years. It’s also no wonder that over the years, hiring managers are calling you back less and less. No matter how amazing your resume might be, if it’s out of date then it’s going to be out of mind.

You should treat updating your resume like you would updating any other document or details. An updated resume gives the hiring manager the full spectrum of your experience and abilities.

So how often should a resume be updated?

You should update your resume every time you secure a new role or gain new skills or experience. This might sound like a bit of drag, but it’s less time-consuming than sitting down after 5-10 years and adding a ton of new information.

Here are three easy ways you can spring clean your resume so it's ready for your next job search.

1. Clean Up Your Formatting

A resume with an updated, simple format will be easier to read and have a higher chance of getting recognized. A resume with an outdated format will likely get tossed by hiring managers because it gives them the impression that you're old and/or out of touch.

2. Update Your Skills (And Get Rid Of Irrelevant Ones)

  • One of the most important parts of your resume is the experience summary, which is a list of 6-8 skills at the top of your resume.  It's a good idea to update your list of skills, adding new ones and removing irrelevant ones. 

  • What skills have you developed? 

  • Which skills do you want to highlight in your job search? 

  • What skills do you need for the jobs you want to apply for, and how many of those do you currently have? 

  • Which skills are no longer relevant in your career or aligned with your career goals? 

Think about these questions as you decide which skills to include on your updated resume.

3. Quantify New (And Old!) Accomplishments

If you haven't done so already, when you clean up your resume, you should also quantify your accomplishments.  You need to quantify your work experience so employers can see exactly how you add value as a business-of-one.  Once you've quantified your accomplishments on your resume for your previous positions, it's time to think about your current job.

Once you’ve created the perfect resume, your main challenge comes from finding the perfect employer. Let an expert help. Advantage Consulting can locate the ideal situation for you. Contact a recruiter today to put that resume to work.