How to Work with a Recruiter to Find a Job — Advantage Consulting and Recruiting Specialists

How to Work with a Recruiter to Find a Job

Whether you're looking to re-enter the workforce or leave your current position, the excitement of a new career is often put aside by the daunting task of job searching.

people in line waiting for a recruiter

In today’s job market, the competition for good jobs is fierce. There might be plenty of jobs out there, but they’re not all good jobs. So, how can you make sure you stand out from the crowd and get the job you want? One of the best ways to improve your chances is to work with a recruiter.

If you are looking for a new job, here are four tips for working with a recruiter to help you get ahead in your job search.

The Benefits of Working with a Recruiter

Working with a recruiter offers numerous benefits. 75% of resumes are rejected before they reach the hiring manager. Recruiters have e a deep knowledge of the hiring process and they understand the specific needs that employers have. They are also familiar with companies and can provide valuable advice and guidance on getting a job with those organizations.

In addition, a recruiter is well-versed in job search techniques and can provide valuable advice on how to stand out from the competition. They often have access to positions that may not be advertised and can offer personal introductions to employers. Furthermore, recruiters can provide tips on how to craft a resume that will appeal to employers.

Connect With You and Employers

One of the most beneficial aspects of working with a recruiter is that they connect with their professional network. A recruiter has a wide network of contacts that they can draw upon to help find the right job opportunity for you. They know what employers want.

Recruiters want to know about your current situation and background, what industries you like, and your ideal company culture and size. They take your goals and skills and place you where you will be the happiest. It's easy to fill an opening with a new hire and then move on to other openings, but recruiters keep in touch. Recruiters help open up new job opportunities and give you a greater chance at success.

Advocates For You

A recruiter will act as your advocate throughout the hiring process. It's more than just sharing your resume. If there's an important position an employer needs to fill, a recruiter highlights your talents and how you will suit the employer's needs. It doesn’t matter whether you actively sought the job or were sought out for it. You want the recruiter to become your number-one fan. You want the recruiter to keep you on top of mind for other roles that open up, even if the one you initially speak to them about doesn’t work out. Once a recruiter reviews your qualifications, speaks with you and feels you are a great fit, they want to make the connection happen. The employer gets what they need, and you get the position you want. It's a win-win.

Saves the Stress of Looking

Another major benefit of using a recruiter is that they can take the stress out of looking for a job. How many hours do you spend searching job boards and sending applications? Recruiters know what jobs are out there. About 13% of candidates spend 7 months or more (even years) looking for a job. With a recruiter doing the hard work, you can focus on prepping for interviews and obtaining the job you want, especially if you have other obligations in life that keep you actively searching for jobs. If you are in school, taking care of your family, or are still in a current position. But you can spare yourself a lot of stress and pain with an expert in your corner.

The Recruiter's Job is to find People for Jobs

You gain several perks as a job seeker in a recruiter's candidate pool. They’re going to make sure your application presents you in the best possible light. You may have been searching for a job without any luck, but a recruiter can make it happen. A job recruiter will offer honest feedback on your drafts, advice on highlighting your talents and successes, and where to tailor your resume for the positions you apply for. They are the bridge between the job seeker and the employer.

Professional networking, researching potential employers, sharpening the resume, and crafting cover letters are just the start of a successful job hunt.

Discover what fields our skilled recruiters specialize in — and how Advantage Consulting can help with your job search.