It's Hot Outside, Don't Slow Down Your Job Search! — Advantage Consulting and Recruiting Specialists

It's Hot Outside, Don't Slow Down Your Job Search!

Don’t put your job search on hold during the summer months. Hiring still takes place in June, July, and August.

Use these strategies to help warm up your job search with summer networking:

  1. Consult a recruiter (some of us are really nice!): Many jobs are not advertised publicly and you must connect directly via a recruiter who will look for suitable candidates to present to their customers. You should describe your goals and seek their assistance.

  2. Attend events: Ideally, seek out events organized by professional associations in your area of specialization. It may be beneficial to review a list of attendees beforehand. Identify at least one person who you would like to meet and make arrangements to meet there in person.

  3. Update Your Skills: Attend workshops and training sessions in your area of specialization. Try to find sessions that are made-to-measure to your intended career path and put you a step ahead of other applicants.

  4. Use the summer slowdown to your advantage: With fewer new positions being created and team members on vacation, recruiters and hiring managers will be able to take longer than the common ‘20-second glance’ to read and assess your branding documents.

It is warm outside and the sun is finally out, don’t slow down your job search. We are still working and the open positions are not closed for the summer.