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Freshen Up Your Resume

Freshen Up Your Resume

You once wrote an amazing resume. No wonder you’ve been sending the same one out for years. It’s also no wonder that over the years, hiring managers are calling you back less and less. No matter how amazing your resume might be, if it’s out of date then it’s going to be out of mind.

Are Career Certification Programs Worth It?

Are Career Certification Programs Worth It?

In the U.S., more than 1 million certificates are awarded each year. Compare that to the 754,500 master’s degrees awarded by post-secondary institutions in 2018–19, with the most popular fields being a business (197,100), education (146,400), health professions and related programs (131,600), according to the National Center of Education Statistics.

How Often Are You Updating Your LinkedIn Profile?

How Often Are You Updating Your LinkedIn Profile?

Your LinkedIn profile remains a valuable part of your online professional presence. It’s a must when looking for a new job, and recruiters use the site to potentially find talented passive and active candidates.

However, a simple question remains: how often do you need to update a LinkedIn profile?